Monday, May 23, 2011

Day Six - Da Bronx!

In my travels I have learned that New York City is divided into 5 parts called Boroughs. The five Boroughs are: Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.
Each Borough has a borough President, who is part of the local government of the city. I learned that he role of the Borough Presidents has changed greatly over the years. Today the borough President has a small budget to use on improvement projects in his or her borough, and also has the authority to appoint some members to the City Council.
This morning I took the 2 Train uptown, to the Bronx Borough Hall, to meet Borough President Ruben Diaz.


Borough President Diaz told me that he believes one of his most important roles as Borough President is to be a defender of the environment. One of his proudest accomplishments is that he helped lead the fight to restore the Bronx River. Due to the media attention surrounding many of his causes, Mr. Diaz has also became known around the world for his advocacy for civil and human rights.
After showing me around his office, Mr. Diaz took me to visit the Bronx Zoo! Mr. Diaz told me that when the Bronx Zoo first opened its gates to the public in 1899, the first city subway line was just starting to be dug, and the paperclip had just been invented! So much has changed since, but the Bronx Zoo remains a very important part of New York City's character.

Fun NYC Factoid:
In March of this year, an Egyptian Cobra earned the named MIA, short for “Missing In Action", when she escaped from the Bronx Zoo. MIA gained instant fame and popularity when someone created a Twitter page for her, documenting her travels around New York City (just like me!). One week later MIA was found safe and sound in a remote corner of the Zoo. Since her “great escape” tourism at the Bronx Zoo has increased, with many tourists wanting to see this clever little reptile.

(I didn't want to get too close!)

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